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Equality and non-violence accord renewed

conveni dona10415This morning the Formentera Council and the Espai Dones association renewed a pact by which the local administration will provide €3,000 in funding to support the organisation of dynamic and educational activities that work toward equality promotion and the prevention of domestic violence.

At the signing were Council president Jaume Ferrer, social welfare councillor Dolores Fernández Tamargo and Espai Dones president Vanessa Díaz. All three affirmed their satisfaction with the results of collaboration between the Council and Espai Dones to this day – to wit, yearly pledges of funding that had until this year been set at €2,500.

The last week of March was the final hurrah for activities celebrating Women's History Month. Coordination of the March Women's History Month programme calendar, as well as the activities that accompany International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November) constitute the bulk of Espai Dones programming.

To enforce regulated parking in La Savina, call for applicants launched

adhesiu2The Formentera Council has set the wheels in motion on a process to bring the total number of parking attendants for the newly-implemented system of regulated parking in La Savina to nine. All those interested have through 7 April to apply at the Virtual Citizens' Office (l'OAC) in order to be considered for selection. Requirements for hire can be found on the Formentera Council website www.cif.cat by clicking on “bulletin board” and following the link for human resources.

As the offer overlaps with Holy Week holidays, interested individuals will have two days to apply: next Saturday, 4 April, and Tuesday 7 April, from 9am to 2pm.

The three attendants currently employed for the task were hired in February, at which time the process was overseen by the SOIB (Servei d'Ocupació de les Illes Balears), the job placement service of the Balearic Islands. At that time it was announced that six additional positions would soon be made available, the hiring for which would be handled directly by the Council itself.

Parking metres now in use

The first of April marked the beginning of a new phase in the implementation of La Savina's regulated parking system. Starting today, attendants will patrol the area to ensure all drivers that park in blue zone spaces have obtained the required ticket from parking metres and placed it visibly in their vehicle. As for users of green zone parking areas, they have until 10 April, at which point attendants will begin checking to ensure observance.

Security forces agree to tackle drugs, professional misrepresentation and road safety

junta local seguretat2015Today midday in the plenary hall of the Formentera Council, local security forces once again assembled to form a task force on safety dubbed locally la Junta Local de Seguretat. The event constituted the junta's first meeting since 23 April of last year; the resignation of Rafael García Vila, head of the national administration in the Pitiüses, meant a year-end session would be impossible.

Gatherings of the Junta Local are conceived as a way to target and coordinate the efforts of different local security forces, focusing on which issues are of top priority for the local administration and citizens' groups. To that end and at a gathering held at the town council, 3 March was the date local groups were called on to share their principal concerns with Council president Jaume Ferrer.

Attendees of today's meeting included President Ferrer; the newly-appointed local head of the national administration, Roger Sales; local safety advisor to the national administration, Jesús Valdés Campos; chief of the local Formentera police force, Joan Mayans; lieutenant colonel of the Guárdia Civil, Antonio Orantes; commissioner of the national police force in Eivissa, José Luis Santafé; commander of the Guárdia Civil in Eivissa, Antonio del Fresno; sergeant of the Guárdia Civil in Formentera, Francisco Blanco; representative of Formentera Civil Protection services, Raul Moya; representative of the Partido Popular, Pedro Orellana and representing the Partido Socialista, Santi Juan.

First among the talking points were the need to increase safety in and around school zones, especially concerning drug prevention; the necessity for a year-round presence of Guárdia Civil traffic officers; the dangerousness of certain points along the main highway (such as the segment that passes in front of the Es Mirador lookout) and other points along secondary asphalted roads.

Also discussed was the need to control dog attacks on livestock. Looking ahead toward summer, special emphasis was placed on the importance of protecting local licenced workers from unfair professional encroachment as well as remaining vigilant against the so-called 'party boats' and watercraft that anchor upon posidònia seaweed.

CiF and ACAF renew concerted action for Ràdio Illa content production

accio concertada radioillaRenewing their commitment to quality content production at Ràdio Illa, Formentera's public radio station, the Consell de Formentera and the Associació Cultural Audiovisual de Formentera (ACAF) have once again signed a joint accord in the amount of €33,000.

The deal stipulates that in 2015, the ACAF will be responsible not only for producing the daily news magazine De Far a Far, but also coordinating the remainder of the station's volunteer-based programming.

Such joint action is a manner in which the public and the private sectors can come together to provide a specific service. CiF president Jaume Ferrer expressed his satisfaction with the state of operations at Ràdio Illa, declaring the station had “made an important leap forward in terms of quality”.

Paco Pérez declared that ACAF's goal would continue to be “to keep Ràdio Illa in the collective consciousness of Formentera”.

This summer, Casal de l'Esport to don a new jersey

Escoleta futbol2 26032015FiC president Jaume Ferrer and councillor of education and culture Sònia Cardona, together with Esperança Suñer, headmistress of the Escoleta de Sa Miranda nursery school in Sant Francesc, and Hector Martínez Company, staff specialist in infrastructure, paid a visit this morning to the Casal de l'Esport of the municipal football pitch, a locale dedicated to hosting sports-related activities on the island.

The visit was intended as an opportunity for the individuals to share their expertise in education and infrastructure and weigh the possibility of adapting the locale for use as a summer school for infants ages one through three. The local summer school (or escola d'estiu) programme is currently only open to school-age children, although a significant number of parents have expressed a need for a more encompassing service.

In the words of Jaume Ferrer: “The ideal situation will be to have an early-learning centre designed expressly to meet the needs of our youngest children. That is what we'll have [with the new school] in Sant Ferran but it's not yet a reality. However, this doesn't need to stop us from providing a service that our local population is saying is necessary”.

The FiC president said that the services currently offered at the Casal were “important and expansive”, while acknowledging that for the time being they weren't necessarily educational in nature. Ferrer added: “This is a space that was, from the get-go, designed to be open and adaptable, which makes the task of imagining different, provisional uses that much easier.”

Sònia Cardona reflected: “The idea is for the space to serve as an early-learning centre until the new escoleta in Sant Ferran is finished, and this is what we've communicated to the technical specialists working on the project. Their work now is to decide what changes will be necessary so that the Casal can become a safe, adapted centre for our children”.

Cardona called to mind the Council's project, long since complete, to expand the Sa Miranda nursery school in Sant Francesc, and noted that, now that the Formentera Council has received notice from Ibisec about the location of the future Sant Ferran learning centre, the parallel project in that town “is a priority for our administration.”

The technical crew of educational and infrastructure specialists provided an extremely positive evaluation of the Casal space, citing its spaciousness, light and inner courtyards as advantages and noting that primary changes would need to include a remodel of the toilets and separation walls to create individual classrooms.

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