Council presents proposal for La Savina parking overhaul before Consell d'Entitats

LA SAVINA AL CONSELL ENTITATS 15setembreThe Consell d'Entitats (Council of Local Entities) convened last night in the multipurpose hall of the Office of Culture to review and assess the La Savina parking improvements proposed by the Formentera Council. At the meeting were representatives from some 50 associations, of a total 85 that make up the Consell.

At the start of the meeting, a summary was given of the seven different La Savina improvement projects currently up for discussion before the Consell. The improvements that received the most attention were the proposed parking overhaul; regulation of mooring in S'Estany des Peix; preservation and restoration of important local heritage sites like El mur del guafe and Es Campament and improvements to urban streets.

Later, Formentera Council president Jaume Ferrer explained the accord signed this summer with Port Authority that made joint-management of La Savina parking a possibility. “This accord is so significant because it simplifies and unifies the public administration behind an extremely important issue in La Savina: parking.”

In the third portion of the meeting, Rafael González, technical advisor to the Formentera Council, presented the Council's proposal for the La Savina parking overhaul. As González explained, the project will ideally facilitate parking for three target groups: ferry passengers, customers of La Savina businesses and residents.

González added that “the proposal was a starting point. What we can be sure of is that it will alleviate parking issues in the area. We also accept the fact that it's not absolutely perfect, but it is important to us that its first year the system be flexible. We are open to any potential changes and willing to improve it as we go.”

The proposal is formed around the idea of a division of La Savina into two different areas: one that is essentially commercial -the area along the main road- and the other residential, which includes all of the smaller roads that run through the interior of La Savina.

For the first area, the commercial one, the Council's plan would establish a blue zone – free for residents and available on a pay-as-you-go basis for non-residents. In this zone the maximum length of stay will be either three or eight hours. The objective is simple: facilitate a regular movement of vehicles in the area. Pay-parking in the blue zone is set at 1.20€/hour.

For the second area, comprising residential neighbourhoods of La Savina, the plan puts forth an all-together new idea: parking that is restricted to residents of Formentera and residents of La Savina. Island residents would have a maximum time of one day when parked in these areas, while La Savina residents would be given ten days. Several associations spoke of the need to increase the length of stay for local La Savina residents even more, an idea that the Council has pledged to study.

Locals will be able to apply for resident accreditation at the Citizen Information Office (OAC). This will be available to car-owners and will be given one per person. At the close of the session, the groups in attendance gave the Council their vote of confidence for the project.