Students of IES Marc Ferrer craft art, present it to elderly at day centre

quadre regalmajors2The C-group of year one students at the Marc Ferrer secondary school have crafted a tableau and presented it to elderly users of the Formentera day centre. The mixed-media piece measures 1.2 x 2.4m and is titled “Un punt en comú” (“One thing in common”).

Be they illustrations of love, a starry night, the beauty of an old country field, a beach or sunset, the tableau is brimming with scenes which represent feelings and moments that, irrespective of a person's age, bring wonder to whoever experiences them.

Together with the artists themselves and the elderly residents to whom the tableau was dedicated, a host of other characters attended the ceremony. Càrol Otero, the students' art teacher, Raquel Guasch, headmistress of IES Marc Ferrer, Carmel Redondo, director of the day centre and Dolores Fernández, Formentera's councillor of social welfare, all turned out for the event.